martes, 13 de enero de 2009


(Graded reader by Burlington)
Original version by Penguin

Self-restraint times are making a come-back after the motto :energy plus self-control. Austen´s world as depicted in Pride and Prejudice ( click on her to read the original novel) may be seen as too prudish or too much male-dominated in today´s eyes, yet, a woman Liza Bennet will have to find her way through trial and error. . .Austen was one of the few authors-not to say the only one- that published her works under her own name, which was quite unusual in the Regency period, pre-victorian times. Her first books were published by the seudonym "by a lady". Seen in context her literature encompassed a big step forward and her subtle irony is embedded in some of the passages and characters of her books ( see for example Mrs. Bennet obssession about marriage taken to preposterous lenghts)

Most of her works have been made into a film ( click on "films" to see filmography based on Austen novels: "Sense and Sensibility",smartly directed by Ang Lee , "Emma", "Pride and prejudice"...and also her own life has been turned into a film in "Becoming Jane". The fact that J. Austen has been re-read over and over again talks about its potential for keeping abreast with the news.

Watch the following videos where Austen is revisited, what are the common points among them?

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